This is the 'business end' of a Devil Scorpionfish! Ambush Predators and masters of disguise,
they wait for an unsuspecting meal to venture their way and gulp it down
in milliseconds. Whats that? You want me to come closer?
Being a carnivore means that your teeth are your most important weapon.
Mel the Moray, shown here, went the extra mile when he had a center row
of teeth surgically implanted to augment his exterior rows. "My 'kill'
rate has increased by 24% since the procedure," Mel states. "The only
downside is that it takes a bit longer to floss and brush!"
This critter is called a Commerson's Frogfish. They lure unsuspecting
fish and literally suck them into their mouth which can expand up to 12
times normal size. The whole exercise takes about 6 milliseconds!
Sounds like me at dinner!